The Building Blocks of Your Nutrition and Health

This week Energy Balance Nutrition Consulting (EBNC) is officially releasing its new logo.  The EBNC building blocks represent one of the key principles of our company: simplicity

Energy Balance Nutrition Consulting (EBNC) Logo: The Building Blocks of Your Nutrition and Health

Energy Balance Nutrition Consulting (EBNC) Logo: The Building Blocks of Your Nutrition and Health

Wooden building blocks are among the simplest and earliest toys for infants and toddlers to use to help them explore their environments.  No directions are required, there are no jagged edges, every piece is interchangeable, you do not have to know how to use them.  No special tools or knowledge is required.  There is no right or wrong way to build and explore.  The blocks are intuitive and simple.  The blocks also represent the first step in being able to build something bigger and better.  Once you master the building blocks you can move on to something more fun like Legos!

Legos are "advanced' building blocks.

Legos are "advanced' building blocks.

The nutrition principles at EBNC are like building blocks: extremely simple.  The EBNC principles beg you to go back to the basics and back to the fundamentals of nutrition.  Some have suggested that the nutrition concepts put forth by EBNC are too simple, that people already know what I am trying to teach them.  Isn’t that part of the point?  Everyone claims they know how to eat, but if everyone already knows how to eat then why do we have so many self-help diet books (not to mention that they are on the best-sellers list!), why are ~70% of us overweight or obese, and why are so many of us frustrated by the way we feel about our bodies?  I believe it is because we are too concerned with the trees rather than the forest, that we are paralyzed by micromanaging our nutrition rather than focusing on the big picture, that we are distracted by the cacophony of information marketed and advertised to us rather than the important items, the fundamentals and basics of nutrition: energy balance!  You cannot build a house without first laying the proper foundation.  If you can master energy balance (the building blocks) the rest of your nutrition will be easy to get right.


Todd M. Weber, PhD, MS, RD